Google gives more ads per an AdSense square and rectangle ads

Its a happy news for all Google AdSense publishing people. Google is displaying more ads per each square or rectangle ad depending on the relevance of the content.
This came to my notice, when I have seen two control arrows for navigating through more ads in a 336 x 280 large rectangle square ad. But I also observed similar ads navigation controls for 300 x 250 medium rectangle, 250 x 250 square ads, 200 x 200 square ads, 180 x 150 small rectangle ad and 125 x 125 square ad. These all were text ads, I could not find any ads navigation controls for image and video ads.

And, in order to get this AdSense bonanza, you will have to have very good and interesting content in respective areas.

I feel this AdSense multiple ads per ad bonanza is Google's compensation for reducing the clickable area on AdSense ads.

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